Javvarisi / Sabudana / Sago Idly

I like to make variety of idlies at home. This idly is a simple and easy to make idly which needs no grinding. This is an instant idly recipe which is also very tasty. Sabudana is a food which is full of energy and carbohydrates. It is one food which possess a high cooling effect in the system and it is quite easy to digest.


  • Idly Rava - ½ cup
  • Sabudana / Javvarisi - ¼ cup
  • Sour Curd / Yogurt - 1 cup
  • Water - ½ cup
  • Salt - As needed
  • Oil - For greasing the idly plates


  • In a bowl take sago and idly rava and wash them with water and drain.
  • Add curd, water and salt and mix well.
  • Keep the batter for about 8 hours by closing with a lid.
  • Next day grease the idly plates and keep the batter in the idly platess and steam for 10 minutes.
  • Serve hot with chutney of your choice.
